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Blog post   |   21/03/2019

BPS19 – The best of two worlds: where biology meets physics

Author: Linnéa Olofsson

Introducing ONIee of the week

We’re excited to reveal more about a day in the life here at ONI. This week we’re talking to Blanka Kellermayer, one of our Application Development Scientists.

Name: Blanka Kellermayer
Born: Pecs, Hungary
Joined: February 2019

>The Biophysical Society (BPS) Annual Meeting brings together scientists working on a wide range of topics and attracts participants across different disciplines like physics, biology, chemistry, and computational sciences. The BPS annual meeting, therefore, offers a unique opportunity to engage in interesting conversations and get exposed to scientific questions from various perspectives. We also find that it is a great place for interdisciplinary interactions, especially between biologists and physicists, which leads to a better understanding of each other’s needs and research challenges.


A great exhibition area

This year’s event (BPS19), took place in the nice and spacious Baltimore Convention Centre. The conference attracted approximately 6,500 attendees from academia, industry, and agencies throughout the world. The exhibition area had something to offer to all attendees, from gene-editing services to microscopy components – essentially giving a rich and complete overview of all the latest technological developments currently on market. We particularly liked the floor layout which, for instance, favored interactions with participants on their way to the poster sessions.

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‘Are you the guys actually doing a STORM demo here?’

Working with the Nanoimager guarantees lots of 'wow' moments at conferences; attendees are often impressed by the size and ease-of-use of our microscope. This time, it was no different: we demonstrated the Nanoimager’s extraordinary stability and robustness by running a live dSTORM demo on a conference table! (yes, it works without an optical table, and no need for a dark room either). It was also exciting to meet current Nanoimager users and catch up with them to collect feedback, answer their questions and discuss about our latest features. And after hours… everyone had a chance to enjoy Baltimore’s inner harbor, the aquarium and some nice restaurants.

We are particularly grateful to Ally for her help in setting everything up, to our fellow sponsors, and to all the current Nanoimager users that stopped by – thank you for coming over to chat to the ONI team! Last but not the least, we would like to thank all the attendees who visited our booth: let’s stay in touch. It was a memorable meeting and we can’t wait to see you again soon!

